
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Great Books-A-Million find!

My family went on a staycation this weekend (I ran another race and got another PR), and we stopped by a Books-A-Million to browse around. I found a great book called One-Yard Wonders, and I'm working on downsizing one of the purse patterns for my dolls.

The book:

 The purse I am trying to replicate:

My progress so far (it looks really good, but the lining is a mess):

A picture of the instructions for a really awesome clock:

A dress I plan on making for my little cousin:

An amazing hat I will make for my pirate halloween costume this year:

Overall, I think it's a great deal and I would totally recomend it to anyone who has some experience sewing. The directions are really clear and it has plenty of pictures and diagrams to help you along.

Until next time!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

New PR- great early Christmas present!

Today, I ran a race (which will remain unnamed for privacy's sake). It was a 3 mile race instead of the usual 5K, or 3.1 miles, but I made some calculations and I still PR'd (personal record-ed) with a time of 26 minutes and 59 seconds!!! Yay!!! In case I hadn't mentioned this before (I'm not sure if I did), I like running as a primary form of exercise, and I hope to try out for my school's Cross Country team next year. Wish me luck on my next 5K, which is next weekend.

P.S.-only 5 days of school until Christmas Break! Yay!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

All we want for Christmas...

Winter is fast approaching, and with it comes the season where we get presents celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Savior! Okay, so we get presents too. And it's fun. And of course, we all make lists of what we want Santa to bring us. So, without further ado, here are my dolls' letters to Santa!

Dear Santa,
I have been a very good girl this year. I am so excited for christmas this year! I'm getting taller, and I can put ornaments higher on the tree. For my presents this year, I would like to get a poster signed by Bethany Hamilton, and a copy of her movie, Soul Surfer. It sounds like its really cool!
Emma Evans

Dear Santa,
I'm not going to start out this letter saying I'm a good girl, because, if you've been watching me, you already know that. Anyways, I would really like to get a copy of Relient K's album "Forget and Not Slow Down" or their Christmas album "Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer". I'd also like a stuffed horse, or a horse figurine. Thanks!
Elizabeth Evans

Dear Santa,
How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well. Are your reindeer all doing well also? And Mrs. Claus? And all the elves? You are probably all just fine and looking forward to Christmas as much as I am! This year, I would love to get a new camera, and possibly some old photos for my collection. I hope you have a nice Christmas!
Your friend,
Nellie Samuelson

Dearest Mr. Claus,
It must be hard trying to read all the letters from all the children all around the world, so I'll make mine short and succinct: I would like to get a picture of Audrey Hepburn and some old posters for some of her movies, like Funny Face or Breakfast at Tiffany's.
Many thanks,
Emily Clark

Hello Santa,
There's not much that I would like this year, and I think that this letter will be a nice change of tone for you. I want you to give presents to all the little kids in Africa who can't write letters to you. But, if you have any spare unicorns, or an extra soccer ball, I would appreciate it if you would send them to me.
Yours Truly,
Sam Davis

Dear Santa,
I want a coloring book of tangled and flowers for put in my hair.
Trisha Davis

Dear Santa,
I wanna toy truck and a shovel and maybe stickers to.
Tommy Davis

Dear Mr. Santa Claus,
I'm really getting too old to write letters asking you for presents, but I suppose I must finish what I started. I would like some fabric and a pincussion for Christmas this year, along with a copy of my favorite movie which I saw at my Church, To Save A Life. Thanks for still listening to a teenager who doesn't really believe in you anymore; I really do enjoy the presents.
Logan Taylor

As for me, I am hoping to get some money so I can by Liberty Jane patterns, and I think my Aunt will be sending me some fabric so I can actually make the stuff I get the patterns for. What are you writing to santa about? Please comment. :D