
Monday, October 17, 2011

Costume Photo Contest- please vote!

I'm writing to tell you about an amazing contest I am entered in! It's the American Girl Fan 2nd Anual Doll Costume Phot Contest, and voting is now open here! I'm not going to say which one's mine (though it's painfully obvious to anyone who's seen my blog's homepage), but I actually didn't vote for either mine or my sisters! My favorite was #27, which had a doll dressed as Susan next to a lion (Aslan)! The Chronicles of Narnia are another favorite series of mine. So, go forth, vote, and tell me which one you liked best! :)
Until next time,
Abilene Lilac

Sunrise :)

I thought that since I have a little extra time before leaving for school, I might post one of my sunrise pictures. It's not from today, but, oh, it was beautiful. I love waking up to see the sky painted in all these glorious hues :)

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Bonjour! Salutations! Welcome to my blog, Once Upon a Time. You are probably wondering what this is all about, aren't you? Well, I'm just your average teenager, making her first blog. My pseudonym (all good writers have one, you know) is Abilene Lilac. I will be posting here about my latest sewing projects (more on this later), about my musings on God's wonderful creation (be ready for many pictures of sunrises!), and my life in general- don't worry, I'll try not to bore you.

So, about the "Creating a dream from way back when" and sewing projects... I love sewing historical reproduction clothing for my American girl dolls, who will be introduced to you in a coming post. I have a few projects in the works right now, which I shall hopefully be able to share with you soon. If you have any ideas about fun sewing projects, please comment, because I would love to discuss them with you!

A few things you may want to know: I am a bookworm. Flat out saying that right here. I love reading classic novels and plays; Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, William Shakespeare and Madeline L'Engle are my favorite authors. I like singing, but don't expect to hear me, I'm not in chorus, though I hope to be next year. I am a Christian and I am growing in my faith each and every day. I'm far from perfect, and I don't expect anyone else to be.

I suppose that covers it for now, so a bientot, until next time, readers!